Environmental & Land Use Briefing - February 2019
F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9 | 1 ENVIRONMENTAL & LAND USE B R I E F I N G I N T H I S I S S U E : Supreme Court to Review Controversial Groundwater Discharge Case PFAS Management Plan Released Proposed New Definition of “Waters of the United States” State Takes Action on California’s Housing Crisis Prop 65 Trends EPA Has Broadened Mobile Source Enforcement California Adopts Significant Amendments to CEQA Guidelines CEQA Lead Agencies Must Connect a Project’s Significant Air Quality Impacts to Likely Health Consequences Supreme Court ConsideringWhether to Hear Key Case on the Scope of Class Certification in Toxic Tort Cases NRD Overhaul on the Horizon? F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9
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