Event March 27-29, 2019

67th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting

Event Detail
Adam J. Biegel
March 27-29, 2019
Marriott Marquis
Washington, D.C.

Adam Biegel, Leslie Overton, Kimberly Peretti, John Snyder, and Valarie Williams will be speaking at the 67th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting sponsored by the American Bar Association. The Spring Meeting is the preeminent gathering of competition and consumer protection  professionals in the world. In 2018, more than 3,300 lawyers, economists, enforcers, and academics attended, from more than 60 countries. Adam Biegel, co-leader of Alston & Bird’s antitrust team, is co-chair of this conference.

Valarie Williams will be speaking on the panel “Deconstructing Depositions.” Depositions are important discovery tools in both antitrust investigations and litigation. How are litigation depositions and investigational hearings different? How can attorneys and economists effectively prepare for, take, and use depositions? Our panelists will discuss these questions and effective questioning techniques, in addition to walking the audience through interactive exercises.

John Snyder will be speaking on the panel “Words Can Definitely Hurt You.” A CEO’s post touting the acquisition of a maverick competitor; a salesman’s deck promoting his company’s dominance; a VP’s email to her counterpart boasting of a future strategic plan. These statements can kill deals, ruin careers, and expose companies to billions in antitrust damages, yet they are ubiquitous. How can we ethically and effectively help our clients think before they write?

Adam Biegel will be moderating the panel “Hot Topics.” Antitrust and consumer protection policy, enforcement, and litigation change every day with vital issues constantly surfacing. Take a quick look at how the past year has set the stage for the news of today and trends of tomorrow.

Leslie Overton will be speaking on the panel “Two-Sided Markets After Amex: The Unanswered Questions.” The Supreme Court decided in Amex that we must treat some two-sided markets differently. But which ones? Only transaction platforms? Is the decision compatible with traditional market definition principles? How does a plaintiff satisfy its first-step burden to show an overall anticompetitive effect?

Kim Peretti will be speaking on the panel “Mock Data Breach: Preparing Your Crisis Response.” This panel will run through a mock data breach exercise, e.g., the launch of an immersive artificial intelligence personalized shopping experience that goes awry. While the launch is a hit, the customer database is immediately hacked. With the retailer facing PR, law enforcement, and investor backlash, panelists playing various corporate roles will hash out their response.

For more information, click here

Meet the Speakers
Media Contacts
Alex Wolfe
Communications Director

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