In the News December 15, 2008

Bob Riordan Quoted in Wall Street Journal

Bob Riordan was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article that discussed employee theft, which businesses say is up in the wake of the recession. Workers who steal even small amounts of money or goods from their employer risk losing their jobs and being the subject of civil and even criminal lawsuits, according to Riordan. The solution? Prevention. "You want to maintain an environment where your employees have some sense of a code of conduct or integrity," he said.

Riordan also advised employers to review local laws on video cameras, tracking devices and other monitoring tools, before implementing such practices. "There is an increasing trend at the state level to prohibit invasive monitoring." The strategy may also affect employee morale: "You need to be aware of the culture of the workplace you’re dealing with," Riordan said. "Video monitoring in a warehouse might be fine, but in an office environment it might be viewed as crossing the line."
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Alex Wolfe
Communications Director

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