Ultrasound Access Coalition

The presentation slide deck is available here

Please submit invoices by email to invoices@acr.org or to UACinvoices@alston.com by March 4, 2019


If you need any additional information or if you have any questions, contact:

James Vavricek, American College of Cardiology, jvavricek@acc.org

Stephanie Le, American College of Radiology, sle@acr.org

Tim Trysla, Alston & Bird, tim.trysla@alston.com

Brian Lee, Alston & Bird, brian.lee@alston.com

The Ultrasound Access Coalition is a cross-industry group of ultrasound stakeholders. Our members include: American College of Radiology; American College of Cardiology; American Portable Diagnostics Association; Association for Quality Imaging; Center for Diagnostic Imaging; General Electric; Hologic; Radiology Business Management Association; RadNet; SonoSite; and TridentUSA. Thus, UAC represents those who manufacture and develop ultrasound technology, the independent centers and physician practices that purchase the technology, the physicians who perform ultrasound procedures, and the patients who benefit from them.

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