Due to the significant and unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and resultant global economic recession and capital markets disruption, the 6th Annual ESOP Forum will focus on the impact and challenges companies with ESOP ownership are experiencing through a three-part interactive webinar series.
Session III: Key ESOP Issues in a COVID-19 Environment
It’s been five months since the beginning of the COVID-19 era, and there is still a significant amount of uncertainty surrounding the economy and when we might return to a more “normalized” environment. In addition to dealing with varying degrees of financial stress and workforce management issues, employee-owned companies must also tackle some unique elements of ESOPs, including valuation, repurchase obligation, and corporate sustainability. Join the discussion as our professional panel addresses these current issues.
Professional Panel (60 minutes)
Moderator: Richard Joseph, Chartwell
- Martha Doty, Alston & Bird
- Nick Braun, Chartwell
- Tina DiCroce, Chartwell
Break (10 Minutes)
Company Roundtable Discussions (50 Minutes)
- Practical Valuation and Sustainability Issues
- Workforce Stories and Strategies in a COVID-19 World
Discussions Led By:
- Yvonne Chelberg, CFO, Geil Enterprises
- Karen Ellis, VP, HR & Corporate Development, Superior Farms
- Richard Joseph, Chartwell
Webinar Details
Login information will be provided to participants before the program.
Click here to register.
Questions? Contact Heather Rainey at heather.rainey@alston.com or 404.881.7903.