Ronnie Gosselin is co-chair of the Key Environmental Issues in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 conference presented by the American Bar Association.
Kevin Minoli will be speaking on the panel “What’s Water and Whose Is It? The Changing Landscape of WOTUS, Circuit Splits, and the Regional Water Wars.”
In the current feast-or-famine cycles of rain and drought the southeastern U.S. is becoming more and more accustomed to, the questions surrounding water use, classification, and discharges have never been more relevant. By drawing on the knowledge and experience of practitioners and academics who have been in the water-logged trenches, attendees will learn about the current status of the WOTUS rulemaking and related litigation, the recent split among circuit courts regarding application of the Clean Water Act to discharges to groundwater, and current and pending state-versus-state disputes over water availability, use, and allocations.
For more information, click here.