Welcome back to the Class Action & MDL Roundup! This edition covers notable class actions from the second quarter of 2022.
In this edition, fail-safe classes fail, consumers smoke a motion to dismiss, and you can’t bring it if you don’t know whodunit. Plus, we have our usual coverage of lawsuits over drugs and pharmaceuticals, wage-and-hour rules, shareholder losses, and more.
We wrap up the Roundup with a summary of class action settlements finalized in the second quarter.
Class Action MDL Roundup
October 13, 2022
Class Action & MDL Roundup 2022 Q2: Directing physical loss and damage
Cari K. Dawson
David Venderbush
Ryan P. Ethridge
David Carpenter
F. Nicholas Chandler
Sean R. Crain
Jamie S. George
Bradley Harder
Michelle Jackson
Jyoti Jindal Kottamasu
Laura A. Komarek
Matthew D. Lawson
Andrew J. Liebler
William J. Repko III
Jason Rottner
Troy A. Stram
Ellie Saathoff
Andrew T. Sumner
Amanda M. Waide
Nick A. Young
Meet the Authors
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+1 404 881 7969
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