COVID-19 Response & Relief Team

Medical Products Supply Chain Week in Review

Medical Products Supply Chain Week in Review – October 7, 2021

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Antitrust, Cybersecurity, and International Trade ⤵
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Health Care and FDA ⤵  
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Litigation ⤵
Securities, Financial Services, and Finance ⤵
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Events / Webinars ⤵

Coronavirus Task Force – Flash Updates ⤵

Health Care and FDA

COVID-19 Medical Products Supply Chain Week in Review – January 25, 2021 

Health Care Advisory: Questions Abound About a COVID-19 Vaccine, but What Can Employers Do Now? 

Health Care Advisory: New Price Transparency Rules Finalized for Plans and COVID-19 Test Providers

Health Care / Health Care Litigation Advisory: Telehealth Turbulence: Explosive Expansion Coincides with Emerging Enforcement Priorities

Health Care Advisory: CMS Announces New Repayment Terms for Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program Loans

Health Care Advisory: HHS Announces $20 Billion Phase 3 General Distribution

Food, Drug & Device/FDA Advisory: An Old Drug for a New Emergency: FDA Issues New Guidance on the Use of Convalescent Plasma for COVID-19

Food, Drug & Device/FDA Advisory: Examining the Drug Supply Chain – How the Public Health Emergency Impacts DSCSA

Health Care / Health Care Litigation Advisory: COVID-19: A Tipping Point for Telehealth Expansion

Labor & Employment / Health Care / Corporate & Finance Advisory: Ramping Up: What Does Restarting Look Like?

Food, Drug & Device/FDA / Environment, Land Use & Natural Resources Advisory: Cleaning Up After COVID-19? What You Need to Know Before You Manufacture, Import, or Sell Sterilizers, Sanitizers, Purifiers, and Disinfectants

FDA Compliance & Enforcement Advisory: FDA Issues New Guidance on Supply-Chain Disruption Notifications During COVID-19 Emergency

Health Care Advisory: Hospital EMTALA Obligations Under Recent COVID-19 Waivers

Health Care Advisory: CMS Issues Blanket Waivers from Physician Self-Referral Law Sanctions

Health Care Advisory: CMS Announces Expansion of Medicare’s Accelerated and Advance Payment Program

Food & Beverage / FDA Advisory: FDA and USDA Food Safety Response to COVID-19 & DHS “Critical Infrastructure” Classification of Food and Agriculture Sector 

Labor & Employment / Health Care Advisory: Health Care Providers with Exposure to COVID-19: What You Need to Know 

Food, Drug & Device/FDA Advisory: FDA Continues to Accelerate Availability of COVID-19 Tests

FDA Compliance & Enforcement Advisory: FDA Temporarily Postpones Routine Domestic Inspections 

Labor & Employment / Health Care Advisory: Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs for Employers

Health Care / Cybersecurity Preparedness & Response Advisory: COVID-19 and HIPAA: Privacy, Security, and Breach Response During a Global Pandemic

Food, Drug & Device/FDA Advisory: FDA Seeks Help to Solve Personal Protective Equipment Shortages

FDA Compliance & Enforcement Advisory: FDA Postpones Foreign Inspections Through April 2020: Considerations for Industry

Labor & Employment / Health Care Advisory: Coronavirus, Employers, and Domestic Travel: A Complicated Business Decision 

Health Care Advisory: Congress Expands Medicare Telehealth Benefit Amid Coronavirus Concerns 

Labor & Employment / Health Care Advisory: The Coronavirus: Employer and Workplace Considerations 

Labor & Employment

Labor & Employment Advisory: California’s New COVID-19 Legislation Creates New Requirements for Employers

Labor & Employment Advisory: Certain FFCRA Paid Sick Leave Regulations Struck Down by New York Federal Court

Labor & Employment Advisory: DHS Reverses Course – International Students Allowed to Continue Studies and Employment in the U.S.

Labor & Employment Advisory: Online-Only Classes Make Staying in the U.S. Virtually Impossible for Foreign Students

Labor & Employment Advisory: The New Executive Order Suspends Entry of Immigrant Visa Applicants into the U.S. for 60 Days

Labor & Employment Advisory: Developing a Plan to Bring Your Employees Back to Work

Labor & Employment / Health Care / Corporate & Finance Advisory: Ramping Up: What Does Restarting Look Like?

Labor & Employment / Health Care Advisory: Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs for Employers

Labor & Employment Advisory: Employee Leave Requirements Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Labor & Employment / Health Care Advisory: Coronavirus, Employers, and Domestic Travel: A Complicated Business Decision 

Labor & Employment / Health Care Advisory: The Coronavirus: Employer and Workplace Considerations 


Antitrust / Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory: COVID-19 Impacts Antitrust Deal Reviews: New Procedures and Delays

“Three Key Coronavirus-Related Strategic Risks to Consider,” CFO Magazine, March 4, 2020. 

Securities, Financial Services, and Finance

Financial Services & Products Advisory: State Regulators Enact Guidance Allowing Remote Work for Licensees Even After COVID-19 

Finance Advisory: Discontinuing GBR LIBOR: The Time to Act Is Now

Financial Services & Products Advisory: It’s Not Over Yet: FFIEC Issues Guidance for Additional Loan Accommodations

Finance Advisory: COVID-19 Update – What Your Business Needs to Know About the Corporate Governance and Insolvency Act 2020

Securities Law Advisory: When in Doubt, SEC Wants You to Consider COVID-19 Disclosures

Federal Tax Advisory: Disaster Losses

Financial Services Litigation / Financial Services & Products Advisory: CFPB Reflects on the Impact of COVID-19 and Provides a Window into Future Enforcement

Finance Advisory: Ginnie Mae Extends PTAP/C19 Assistance to Multifamily MBS Program

Finance Advisory: ESG During the Coronavirus Crisis – Should You Care?

Investment Management Advisory: Update on Relief Under the CARES Act for Fund Managers

Finance Advisory: Brexit and Its Potential Impact on Cross-Border Litigation Throughout Europe

Federal Tax Advisory: Tax Determinations in Bankruptcy

Finance Advisory: FHFA Limits Servicer Advancing Obligations for Loans in COVID-19 Forbearance

Finance Advisory: Forbearance Agreements in the Age of COVID-19 and National Shelter-in-Place Orders

Finance Advisory: COVID-19: What It May Mean for European CMBS Loan Servicers

Finance Advisory: Ginnie Mae Expands Pass-Through Assistance Program to Finance Servicing Advances in Response to COVID-19

International Tax Advisory: Risky Business – Allocating Losses When Your Supply Chain Is Disrupted

Federal Tax Advisory: IRS Issues COVID-19 Forbearance Guidance for REMICs and Investment Trusts

Finance Advisory: Federal Reserve Announces Main Street Lending Program to Provide Liquidity to Small and Mid-Size Businesses

Investment Management Advisory: Relief Under the CARES Act for Fund Managers

Securities Law Advisory: SEC Reminds Companies to Keep Their Disclosures Looking Forward

Financial Services & Products Advisory: Agencies Update Their Interagency Statement on Reporting Loan Modifications

Distressed Debt & Claims Trading Advisory: Secondary Loan Trading Considerations in Unsettling Times

Financial Services & Products Advisory: Deadline for Reg BI and Form CRS Compliance Remains on Track

Investment Management Advisory: SEC Extends Timeframe for Regulatory Relief for Investment Advisers and Investment Companies

Financial Services & Products Advisory: How the CARES Act Will Affect Banking During the Coronavirus Emergency

Securities Law Advisory: Keep Mystery to a Minimum in Your SEC COVID-19 Disclosures

Financial Services & Products Advisory: Regulators Further Clarify Guidance Regarding Loan Modifications and Reporting

Securities Law / Securities Litigation Advisory: SEC Continues to Keenly Monitor Insider Trading During COVID-19 Pandemic

Finance Advisory: Coronavirus Update: UK Government Announces Proposed Changes to UK Insolvency Law

Investment Management Advisory: CFTC Issues No-Action Letter Offering Regulatory Relief for CPOs

Finance Advisory: Coronavirus and Securitization: Disclosure and Diligence Issues 

Securities Law Advisory: SEC Provides Guidance on the Possible Impacts of COVID-19 on Annual Meetings

Securities Litigation Advisory: Securities Litigation Risk Arising Out of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Financial Services & Products Advisory: FINRA Guidance: COVID-19 and Business Continuity Planning

“Three Key Coronavirus-Related Strategic Risks to Consider,” CFO Magazine, March 4, 2020. 

Antitrust, Cyber Security, and International Trade

Cyber Alert: Six Practical Tips for Practicing Cyberhygiene in the Middle of a Global Pandemic

International Trade & Regulatory Advisory: FEMA Issues Guidance on Exemptions for Critical PPE Export Restrictions

Antitrust / Mergers & Acquisitions / International Trade & Regulatory Advisory: COVID-19 Affects European Foreign Direct Investment Reviews: New EU Guidance Potentially Heralds Increased Protectionism

Antitrust / Labor & Employment Advisory: Federal Antitrust Agencies Remind Businesses That Colluding on Labor Issues Remains Illegal During Pandemic

Cyber Alert: Cybersecurity and COVID-19: Four Categories of Cyber Threats and Practical Tips in Response

Antitrust Advisory: Production and R&D Joint Ventures in a Pandemic: Reducing Antitrust Risk

Antitrust Advisory: EU State Aid Measures in the Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic

Privacy & Data Security Advisory: What Does the Coronavirus Mean for Companies and Their Critical Offshore Services?

International Trade & Regulatory Advisory: USTR to Consider Additional Tariff Exclusions Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Antitrust Advisory: COVID-19 and Price Gouging

Antitrust / Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory: COVID-19 Affects European Merger Control Reviews and Court Procedures: New Procedures and Delays

Antitrust Advisory: Competition Authorities Across Europe Relax Competition Law Enforcement During COVID-19 Outbreak

Antitrust Advisory: Avoiding Antitrust Risk as Industries Respond to the Coronavirus: Businesses Look to Collaborate & Federal Government Offers Expedited Avenues 

Antitrust / Mergers & Acquisitions Advisory: COVID-19 Impacts Antitrust Deal Reviews: New Procedures and Delays

Cyber Alert: Six Practical Tips for Practicing Cyberhygiene in the Middle of a Global Pandemic 

Health Care / Cybersecurity Preparedness & Response Advisory: COVID-19 and HIPAA: Privacy, Security, and Breach Response During a Global Pandemic


International Tax Advisory: IRS APMA’s Results May Suggest COVID-19 Immunity

Unclaimed Property Advisory: FAQs on Unclaimed Property Aspects of Retirement Assets 

International Tax Advisory: How to Price in a Pandemic: New OECD Guidance on Transfer Pricing Challenges Caused by COVID-19 

International Tax Advisory: Who Says You Can’t Go Home? IRS Sends Care Package to Those Away from Home Due to COVID-19

Federal Tax Advisory: Disaster Losses

International Tax Advisory: Proposed Treasury Regulations Clarify UBTI “Silo” Rule

International Tax Advisory: Risky Business – Allocating Losses When Your Supply Chain Is Disrupted

Federal Tax Advisory: IRS Issues COVID-19 Forbearance Guidance for REMICs and Investment Trusts

Federal Tax Advisory: IRS Provides Partnerships a Mechanism to Claim Benefit of Retroactive CARES Act Provisions

Federal Tax Advisory: Downward Stock Attribution for CFC Purposes


Environment, Land Use & Natural Resources Advisory: At Long Last, EPA Releases Protocol for Registering Long-Lasting Disinfectants

Litigation Advisory: Constitutional Challenges to Pandemic Restrictions: What’s Happening Now

Litigation / Legislative & Public Policy Advisory: What Is Government Doing to Protect Businesses Against COVID-19-Related Tort Liability? A National Overview

Environment, Land Use & Natural Resources Advisory: EPA Modifies Guidance for Compliance During the COVID-19 Pandemic

White Collar, Government & Internal Investigations Advisory: DOJ Issues Third Iteration of Its Corporate Compliance Guidance

White Collar Government & Internal Investigations Advisory: New PPP Funding Ups Ante for Compliance Failure—Audits on the Horizon

Colleges & Universities Advisory: Schools Face Class Actions as Parents and Students Sue for Refunds

Commercial Litigation Advisory: COVID-19 Impacts on Statutes of Limitations

Financial Restructuring & Reorganization Advisory: Protecting Recoveries in a Pandemic: What Creditors Can Do Right Now

White Collar, Government & Internal Investigations Advisory: CARES Act Follows Familiar Blueprint for Oversight and Enforcement

Financial Restructuring & Reorganization Advisory: Economy in Chaos: Is Bankruptcy Inevitable for My Business?

Litigation Advisory: Is the COVID-19 Outbreak an “Act of God”? Why It May Matter for Your Contracts

Construction Advisory: Building a Case for Force Majeure in Construction Contracts

Litigation Advisory: Does Your Force Majeure Provision Extend to the Coronavirus?


Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Advisory: 2020 Health Benefits Year in Review 

Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Advisory: Retirement Plan Amendments and 2020 Year-End Action Items

Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation Advisory: Coronavirus Impact on Health Benefits: A Deeper Dive 


Construction Advisory: Responsibility for Site Safety in a Coronavirus World

Construction Advisory: Building a Case for Force Majeure in Construction Contracts

Construction Advisory: Five Best Practices for Construction Industry Stakeholders During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property Advisory: USPTO Announces Additional Limited Extensions Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic


Labor & Employment Advisory: California’s New COVID-19 Legislation Creates New Requirements for Employers 

Environment, Land Use & Natural Resources Advisory: Emergency Rule 9 Amendment Provides Deadlines for Statutes of Limitations

Advisory: Are You an “Essential Business” in California Counties Where Shelter-in-Place Orders Have Been Issued?



Webinar | February 11, 2021 - Restructuring Options in 2021 – Navigating the New Landscape After Brexit and COVID-19
Will Sugden, Andrew Petersen, and Phillip Taylor will lead a discussion on the restructuring landscape after Brexit and COVID-19.

Webinar | February 3, 2021 - Labor & Employment Executive Webinar - Labor & Employment Changes Under the Biden Administration, COVID-19, and Other Updates
Join us as we explore anticipated changes to labor and employment laws, regulations, and policies under the Biden Administration and continue our conversation about COVID-19 vaccines.

Webinar | October 14, 2020 - Healthcare Hot Topics CLE
Sean Sullivan will be speaking at the Healthcare Hot Topics CLE presented by the Health Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia.

Webinar | September 30, 2020 - Cleaning Up After COVID-19: What you need to know if your company plans to manufacture, import, sell – or use – disinfectants and sanitizers
Join Alston & Bird environmental and FDA attorneys Elise Paeffgen, Kevin Minoli, Brendan Carroll, and Sam Jockel in this webinar providing practical and up-to-date guidance to help companies if your company plans to manufacture, import, sell – or use – disinfectants and sanitizers.

Webinar | August 18-19, 2020 - COVID-19: Introduction to FDA’s Legal Authorities and Emerging Issues
Cathy Burgess and Ben Wolf will be presenting on current legal issues during the coronavirus pandemic during FDLI’s seminar, “COVID-19: Introduction to FDA’s Legal Authorities and Emerging Issues.”

Webinar | August 6, 2020 - Alston & Bird Webinar Series - IP2020: Infringement Immunity and Government Lawsuits from COVID-19
We will discuss how the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act and the Defense Production Act may eliminate liability for manufacturers that infringe others’ patents in order to help with the response to COVID-19, and how the only recourse for patent owners may be a lawsuit against the United States under 28 U.S. § 1498.

Webinar | July 23, 2020 - Alston & Bird Webinar Series - IP2020: Updates and Current Considerations in Patent Trial and Appeal Board Practice
This program will discuss the implications of COVID-19 on post-grant trials and highlight recent developments at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB). Panel members will discuss strategies for handling post-grant trials during the pandemic, including navigating scheduling issues, remote depositions, and video-based oral hearings.

Webinar | July 9, 2020 - Alston & Bird Webinar Series - IP2020: Three Is the Magic Number – Trademark Cases Before the Supreme Court in 2020
The U.S. Supreme Court has taken on a record number of trademark cases this term. Once all is said and done, the Court will have ruled on three trademark cases in 2020. Join us for this presentation beginning with a discussion of recent hot topics in trademark litigation, then turning to a review of the SCOTUS rulings we have received and those we expect this year.

Webinar | July 9, 2020 - Investment Management Webinar Series – Democratizing Access to Alternative Investment Products: Product Innovations and Technology Solutions
Alston & Bird’s Blake Estes and Tim Selby, Morgan Stanley’s Jeremy Beal, and iCapital Network’s Lawrence Calcano will discuss trends in private market investments by non-institutional investors, including through the development of new investment vehicles and the use of new technology solutions.

Webinar | July 8, 2020 - How Meaningful Is Your Use of Electronic Health Records?
The DOJ recently announced that electronic health records (EHRs) will be a top target area for False Claims Act (FCA) enforcement in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has only further increased the use of EHR technology. In this second webinar of a two-part series, we will address what’s ahead for EHR compliance.

Webinar | June 30, 2020 - Can You Say Your Consumer Product Keeps People Safe? EPA Requirements for Antimicrobials and Treated Articles
The coronavirus has spurred tremendous growth in consumer products treated or manufactured to have antimicrobial properties. But many companies are unaware that these products are regulated by the EPA and that there are strict limits on what companies can legally say about their products.

Webinar | June 30, 2020 - CARES Act and other U.S. Tax Developments - What do I need to know? Europe Focus
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spurred unprecedented economic uncertainty. The United States has enacted new tax legislation and complex guidance that offer opportunity and risks to taxpayers. Hear what our panel of tax attorneys has to say about the key tax provisions currently affecting European multinationals and high-net-worth individuals, including how taxpayers are reacting to the new environment.

Webinar | June 29, 2020 - Alston & Bird Finance 411: State of the Securitization Market
Please join us as we discuss the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the ABS and CMBS markets, including viewpoints from a European and regulatory perspectives.

Webinar | June 23, 2020 - CARES Act and other U.S. Tax Developments - What do I need to know? Japan Focus
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has spurred unprecedented economic uncertainty. The United States has enacted new tax legislation and complex guidance that offer opportunity and risks to taxpayers. Hear what our panel of tax attorneys has to say about the key tax provisions currently affecting Japanese multinationals and high-net-worth individuals, including how taxpayers are reacting to the new environment.

Webinar | June 11, 2020 - Investment Management Webinar Series – Managing Enforcement Risk in Volatile Markets: Tips and Best Practices for Advisers and Funds
Joey Burby, Paul Monnin, and Tod Sawicki will discuss current insider trading, whistleblowers, compliance officer liability, PPP loan disclosure, and SEC enforcement issues impacting advisers and funds.

Webinar | June 4, 2020 - Alston & Bird Webinar Series - IP2020: Privilege Considerations in Global Litigation Settings
As litigation becomes increasingly international, it is particularly important to be aware of different jurisdictions’ conceptions and applications of privilege. This presentation will touch on the boundaries of privilege when litigating on a global scale.

Webinar | May 28, 2020 - COVID-19: Relief for Small Businesses – Bankruptcy
William Hao and William Lee will be speaking on this two-part webinar series presented by Alston & Bird and the Asian American Bar Association of New York. William Lee will moderate both programs, and William Hao will lead the bankruptcy program. 

Webinar | May 27, 2020 - COVID-19: Relief for Small Businesses – Labor & Employment
William Lee will moderate this two-part webinar series presented by Alston & Bird and the Asian American Bar Association of New York. 

Webinar | May 21, 2020 - Alston & Bird Webinar Series - IP2020: Timely Guidance in Uncertain Times – Program 2
How do jurisdictional differences in COVID-19-related restrictions factor into patent litigation strategy? During this session, we will explore strategies for patent infringement litigation amid changes resulting from COVID-19.

Webinar | May 20, 2020 - CRE - How European Lenders, Loan Servicers, and Trustees Are Dealing with the Impact of COVID-19 on the Market
Please join us for a discussion of the various trends in the European CMBS market and the broader commercial real estate market as they respond to the pandemic. 

Webinar | May 14, 2020 - Investment Management Webinar Series: Hot Topics in SEC and CFTC Regulatory Compliance for Fund Managers
Alston & Bird presents the first webinar in the Investment Management Webinar Series, “Hot Topics in SEC and CFTC Regulatory Compliance for Fund Managers.” Amie Benedetto, Kate Hanniford, Kris Hinson, and Allison Muth will discuss current SEC, CFTC, operational, and cybersecurity issues for private fund managers. 

Webinar | May 7, 2020 - Alston & Bird Webinar Series - IP2020: Timely Guidance in Uncertain Times – Program 1
Confidential information and trade secrets are the lifeblood of any company. As the COVID-19 crisis makes remote work the new normal, businesses are asking some important questions that we intend to address.

Webinar | May 4, 2020 - Can the CARES Act Help Black Women Meet the Challenges of the Coronavirus?
Alston & Bird and the Black Women’s Health Imperative (BWHI), with special guest Congresswoman Lucy McBath (D-GA), will be hosting a webinar on key COVID-19 legislative opportunities.

Webinar | May 1, 2020 - Alston & Bird Coronavirus Webinar: The Changing Landscape of Commercial Loan Documentation Amid COVID-19
Please join us for a discussion regarding various loan document strengths and weaknesses that have revealed themselves throughout the pandemic as well as consideration of potential modifications that may be worth considering moving forward.

Webinar | April 29, 2020 - COVID-19 and Price Gouging - Guidance and Risk Avoidance
In this program, our panel will discuss both federal and state price-gouging laws, provide guidance on how businesses can respond if they are victims, and advise on reducing the risk of being accused of price gouging if circumstances force them to increase prices. 

Webinar | April 24, 2020 - Mezzanine Loan Servicing in the Age of COVID-19
Please join us for our next webinar when a multidisciplinary group of partners will discuss the specifics of a mezzanine foreclosure in the midst of COVID-19.

Webinar | April 17, 2020 - New York Commercial Real Estate Finance Matters in the Time of COVID-19
This webinar will discuss some of the issues they are facing in the New York commercial real estate finance market as a result of COVID-19.

Webinar | April 7, 2020 - FDA Updated During the Coronavirus Pandemic
This webinar covers recent FDA developments during the coronavirus pandemic, including FDA inspection suspensions, the impact on supply chains, emergency use authorizations, new FDA enforcement policies, and the Defense Production Act.

Webinar | April 3, 2020 - The Road Ahead: Keeping Up with the Regulatory Onslaught and Forbearance Agreements
This webinar will provide a regulatory update on the new stimulus package and certain state-level directives that impact commercial real estate, dos and don’ts of forbearance agreements, and REMIC implications.

Webinar | March 27, 2020 - Coronavirus: What Does My Business Need to Know?
The New World of Workouts: Lending and Special Servicing Issues to Consider Now

Webinar | March 26, 2020 - Coronavirus: What Does My Business Need to Know?
For employers, health plan sponsors and insurers, hospitals, hospitality, and pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers: What’s still pending on the legislative and regulatory front in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Webinar | March 24, 2020 - Coronavirus: What Does My Business Need to Know?
Paid Leave, Tax Credits, and Other Developing Employment Law Issues.

Teleseminar | March 20, 2020 - Coronavirus and Commercial Real Estate: A Discussion of Force Majeure and Best Practices in an Unprecedented Time
Please join us for a teleseminar on considerations for the commercial real estate industry during the coronavirus pandemic.

Webinar | March 19, 2020 - Coronavirus: What Does My Business Need to Know?
For Hospitals, Health Systems, Laboratories and Other Providers: Reimbursement issues, new codes, special employee issues, telemedicine, and how to navigate this new environment.

Webinar | March 12, 2020 Coronavirus: What Does My Business Need to Know?
For Employers: Coronavirus and Travel: A Complicated Business Decision


Coronavirus Task Force – Flash Updates

Coronavirus Flash Update: August 17, 2020

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